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Showing posts from November, 2019

Dealing with Grief

Life is a journey taking it one step as it comes, sometimes day dreaming other times charging it head on. You really never get prepared for life, do you really? Ask yourself, yeah you tell yourself you got this, other days you are scared shitless so let’s not even act like we are all put together. I know I’m not but you know where I’m going to or am I even going anywhere? Yeah I was, talking about life and shit happening, everyday comes with challenges that we just juggle along the way without any manual. Some use hope, some no hope, some talents, some wits, some brains, some brawn. We all have different coping mechanism, don’t beat yourself up about how you are handling yours because for me I haven’t fully processed it and I sure don’t know how or when but for now I’m breathing and that is all that counts.